I admit it

Arthur C Clarke once wrote “when my past is more fascinating than my future, I will be officially old”. For some reason, as I approach my eightieth birthday, I must admit I’m spending more time considering my past than I am focussed on what lies ahead. I suppose that makes me old by Clarke’s definition.

Having said that though, I still want to know what’s around that next bend; what’s over that next hill. It’s just taking me longer to reach those vantage points. But if aches and pains are the price of aging, I can live with those as long as I can keep on going.

I’ve seen much history both internationally and nationally. I’ve seen triumphs and I’ve seen tragedies. I even remember the last time the Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup.

On a personal level I was fortunate to work in transportation ,a field I grew to love, so it didn’t really feel like working. I’ve seen my sons grow into fine young men, men I’m proud to know. I have been privileged to meet many wonderful people over the years, some of whom I am honoured to call friends.

Obviously given my age, I in all likelihood don’t have the same number of years ahead of me as I’ve already lived through, but I intend to keep on going, asking questions and finding new things to explore. And I will continue to photograph and write about those things.


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