I don’t believe him

Toronto mayor Rob Ford returned to office after two months in rehab, as I had predicted, the day after World Pride ended. In a press conference, at which he took no questions, we were once again treated to his “I’m so, so very sorry” speech. He’s used that speech so many times in the past he should make a recording of it and use that at press conferences. And I don’t believe it anyway.

On July second, he did an interview with CBC reporter Dwight Drummond regarding his substance abuse – the alcohol and the drugs. He admitted he’s had a long term problem with both. Some questions he declined to answer, citing instructions from his lawyer. When asked about his misogynist, homophobic and racist comments, he put the blame on his addictions. Robbie, does the phrase in vino veritas mean anything to you? That translates roughly as “in wine lies truth”.

There are two schools of thought on this. One holds that under the influence of intoxicating substances, a person may say things they normally wouldn’t express and don’t mean.

The other school holds that the intoxicant lessens or removes one’s inhibitions and thoughts they would normally keep hidden are expressed openly. In my opinion, this seems to be the case for Robbie. Why else would he have avoided the Pride celebrations every single year since he was elected. This is an event that brings millions of tourist dollars into the city, yet he is, or appears to be, so homophobic he won’t associate with it.

The argument has been put forth that people under the influence of an intoxicant shouldn’t be held responsible for what they say. Sorry, I can’t buy that. Unless those thoughts were already present in your mind, why would you suddenly formulate and spout such filth and garbage when you’re drunk or high?

But, Robbie is back at work and campaigning for the next election in October – for now. The most generous people I’ve spoken with give it a month before another drunken video turns up. Most say two weeks. And, being Robbie, he will ignore all questions about it and finally issue another “I’m so, so sorry” speech. And he will continue to ignore calls for his resignation. So it will be up to the people of Toronto to hand him his walking papers in late October.


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